Šablona:Documentation subpage: Porovnání verzí

Update to use the {{mbox}} so it looks good on top of other mboxes on documentation pages. And using mbox and not ombox since this template is used on several types of pages.
adding parameters per editprotect request
Řádek 23: Řádek 23:
       | image = none
       | image = none
       | text =  
       | text =  
'''This is a [[Wikipedia:Template documentation|documentation]] [[Wikipedia:Subpages|subpage]] for {{{1|[[{{SUBJECTSPACE}}:{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]}}}''' <small>(see that page for the {{ #if: {{SUBJECTSPACE}} | {{lc:{{SUBJECTSPACE}}}} | article }} itself)</small>.<br />It contains usage information, [[Wikipedia:Categories|categories]] and other content that is not part of the original {{ #if: {{SUBJECTSPACE}} |{{lc:{{SUBJECTSPACE}}}} page|article}}.  
'''This is a [[Wikipedia:Template documentation|documentation]] [[Wikipedia:Subpages|subpage]] for {{{1|[[{{SUBJECTSPACE}}:{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]}}}''' <small>(see that page for the {{ #if: {{{text1|}}} | {{{text1}}} | {{ #ifeq: {{SUBJECTSPACE}} | {{ns:User}} | {{lc:{{SUBJECTSPACE}}}} template | {{ #if: {{SUBJECTSPACE}} | {{lc:{{SUBJECTSPACE}}}} | article }}}}}} itself)</small>.<br />It contains usage information, [[Wikipedia:Categories|categories]] and other content that is not part of the original {{ #if: {{{text2|}}} | {{{text2}}} | {{ #if: {{{text1|}}} | {{{text1}}} | {{ #ifeq: {{SUBJECTSPACE}} | {{ns:User}} | {{lc:{{SUBJECTSPACE}}}} template page | {{ #if: {{SUBJECTSPACE}} |{{lc:{{SUBJECTSPACE}}}} page|article}}}}}}}}.  
Řádek 36: Řádek 36:
| <!-- if not on a /doc subpage, do nothing -->
| <!-- if not on a /doc subpage, do nothing -->

Verze z 9. 2. 2009, 14:46


Chyba Lua: Modul:TNT:172: '''Missing JsonConfig extension, or not properly configured; Cannot load https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:I18n/Documentation.tab. See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:JsonConfig#Supporting_Wikimedia_templates'''.